Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fang Mail, Pt. 1

Thought we'd share some "Fang Mail" from people who've actually purchased the Imperial Dogs DVD. Toby French writes from England: "My expectations were high after seeing the YouTube teaser and they've been comfortably exceeded. I was thinking you may have plucked the two best songs in the shop window, but, no, there's not a dud on here.

"That's a mighty fine bit of hollering you've dished out here, backed up with some world-class audience-baiting and flat-out lunacy. The footage reminds me a bit of the Cramps show at the Napa State Looney Bin -- only this time the madman isn't in the audience.

"The liner notes and the packaging are top-notch, too. 10 years before, indeed."

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